
Already registered with RideShare?
RIDESHARE is an online, self-registration program that matches individuals from the surrounding communities who share the same commute. You will be asked to provide information to create a match list that is personalized to your schedule. Participants receive this free, custom list instantly. You can then create or join a carpool or vanpool and/or contact a participant with questions. All information is protected and confidential.
A carpool is simply 2-6 people riding together in one vehicle to their destination. Carpooling is flexible and can usually accommodate everyone’s needs. It is up to the individuals in the group to determine whether cash will be exchanged or whether members share the driving.
To register online, you will first be asked to supply the following information:
- First and Last Name
- Phone Numbers (work, home, and/or mobile)
- Gender, Email, Service Area (CATA)
- Username and Password
After you click on the Register button, you will be taken back to the Login page to sign in and complete the registration process. Proceed by clicking on each tab across the top of the next page (Preferences and Profile) to enter information that will create your commute information. RideShare can not provide a match list for you, nor include your name on any match list, if this information is not completed. After you have entered the information, click on the tab labeled Matches to find others who have the same commute as you. You can then send confidential emails to ask questions about joining a carpool or vanpool.
Driving is expensive. Ridesharing can save money, reduce stress, and is a way for individuals to reduce their impact on the environment and improve health.
Contact CATA’s Commuter Services Manager by email at [email protected] or phone at 814-238-2282 ext. 5134 for more information.