Harassment Prohibition

Information for CATA Vendors, Customers, Contractors and Representatives
When vendors or a vendor’s representative is on any CATA property, he or she will be expected to display proper identification and to check in with the appropriate personnel. Any vendor, contractor, or representative is expected to comply with the policy below. If you have questions, please contact CATA’s Director of Human Resources and Compliance at 814-238- 2282 extension 5127.
Harassment Prohibition
CATA intends to provide a work environment that is pleasant, healthy, comfortable, and free from intimidation, hostility or other offenses which might interfere with work performance. Harassment of any sort- verbal, physical, visual – will not be tolerated.
Harassment involves discriminatory treatment based on race, color, sex (with or without sexual conduct), religion, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation or because an employee opposed job discrimination or participated in an investigation or complaint proceeding.
If management concludes that unlawful harassment has occurred, prompt and appropriate action will be taken. For a vendor, this may include asking that a vendor’s employee be removed from the project up to possible termination of the contractual relationship.
If a vendor or one of its representatives feel that he/she has experienced harassment while working on this project, they should contact CATA’s Director of Human Resources and Compliance at 814-238-2282, extension 5127 to file a complaint.
Anti-retaliation and false and/or frivolous complaints:
CATA policy prohibits retaliation or reprisal including adverse employment action, made against any official, employee, volunteer, or any other individual acting on behalf of CATA who reports, in good faith, a complaint of harassment or who participates in any related investigation. False and/or frivolous charges refer to cases where the accuser is using a harassment complaint to accomplish something other than stopping the harassment. It does not refer to charges made in good faith that cannot be proven.