CATA Budgets, Local Match Documents, Audits, Annual Reports & Strategic Plan


Budget and Audit

CATA's budget year runs concurrently with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's fiscal year:  July 1 - June 30.

The current year's budget, as adopted by the CATA Board of Directors, along with the most recent audit reports are available in pdf format below.

FY 2024/25 CATA Budget
(July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025)


The FY 2024/25 CATA Budget was approved at the June 24, 2022 Board of Directors meeting.

Annual report

The CATA Annual Report acts as a complement to the annual CATA Budget and serves as CATA’s primary community information piece. The Annual Report provides a snapshot of CATA’s budget, its organizational make-up, and its various accomplishments over the previous fiscal year.

Strategic Plan 2016-2026

This Strategic Plan serves as the policy guidance document for CATA, and it will drive decision-making about the future direction of the Authority through the year 2026.